World Investor Week Nov 22-28, 2021

Message from Chairman, SEBI

List of benchmark indices intended to used by AMCs as 1st tier benchmarks

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Sr noCategoryFund CategoryNSE Index NameBSE IndexCRISIL Index Name
1DebtOVERNIGHT FUNDNIFTY 1D Rate IndexCRISIL Liquid Overnight IndexOvernight IndexAI
2DebtLIQUID FUNDNIFTY Liquid Index  A-ICRISIL Liquid Debt A-I IndexLiquid IndexAI
3DebtMONEY MARKET FUNDNIFTY Money Market Index  A-ICRISIL Money Market A-I IndexMoney Market IndexAI
4DebtULTRA SHORT-TERM DEBT FUNDNIFTY Ultra Short Duration Debt Index  A-ICRISIL Ultra Short Duration Debt A-I IndexUltra Short-Term Debt IndexAI
5DebtLOW DURATION DEBT FUNDNIFTY Low Duration Debt Index  A-ICRISIL Low Duration Debt A-I IndexLow Duration Debt IndexAI
6DebtSHORT DURATION DEBT FUNDNIFTY Short Duration Debt Index  A-IICRISIL Short Duration Debt A-II IndexShort Duration Debt IndexAII
7DebtMEDIUM DURATION DEBT FUNDNIFTY Medium Duration Debt Index  A-IIICRISIL Medium Duration Debt A-III IndexMedium Duration Debt IndexAIII
8DebtMEDIUM TO LONG DURATION DEBT FUNDNIFTY Medium to Long Duration Debt Index  A-IIICRISIL Medium to Long Duration Debt A-III IndexMedium To Long Duration Debt IndexAIII
9DebtLONG DURATION DEBT FUNDNIFTY Long Duration Debt Index  A-IIICRISIL Long Duration Debt A-III IndexLong Duration Debt IndexAIII
10DebtDYNAMIC BOND FUNDNIFTY Composite Debt Index  A-IIICRISIL Dynamic Bond A-III IndexDynamic Bond IndexAIII
11DebtCORPORATE BOND FUNDNIFTY Corporate Bond Index  A-IICRISIL Corporate Debt A-II IndexCorporate Bond IndexAII
12DebtCREDIT RISK FUNDNIFTY Credit Risk Bond Index  B-IICRISIL Credit Risk Debt B-II IndexCredit Risk IndexBII
13DebtBANKING & PSU DEBT FUNDNifty Banking & PSU Debt Index A-IICRISIL Banking and PSU Debt A-II IndexBanking & PSU Debt IndexAII
14DebtGILT SECURITIES FUNDNIFTY All Duration G-Sec IndexCRISIL Dynamic Gilt IndexGilt IndexAIII
15DebtGILT WITH 10 YEAR CONSTANT MATURITY FUNDNIFTY 10 yr Benchmark G-SecCRISIL 10 Year Gilt IndexGilt With 10 Year Constant Maturity IndexAIII
16DebtFLOATING RATE FUNDBased on maturity profile of the fund 0-.25 Mac D- NIFTY Liquid Index A-I.25 - .5 Mac D- NIFTY Ultra Short Duration Debt Index A-I.5 - 1 Mac D- NIFTY Low Duration Debt Index A-I1-3 Mac D- NIFTY Short Duration Debt Index A-II3-4 Mac D-  NIFTY Medium Duration Debt Index A-III4-7 Mac D- NIFTY Medium to Long Duration Debt Index A-IIIMore than 7 Mac D- NIFTY Long Duration Debt Index A-IIIBased on maturity profile of the fund0-.25 Mac D- CRISIL Liquid Debt A-I Index.25 - .5 Mac D- CRISIL Ultra Short Duration Debt A-I Index.5 - 1 Mac D- CRISIL Low Duration Debt A-I Index1-3 Mac D- CRISIL Short Duration Debt A-II Index3-4 Mac D-  CRISIL Medium Duration Debt A-III Index4-7 Mac D- CRISIL Medium to Long Duration Debt A-III IndexMore than 7 Mac D- CRISIL Long Duration Debt A-III IndexSelect based on the duration strategyNA
17EquityMulti Cap FundNifty 500 Multicap 50:25:25BSE 500 
18EquityLarge Cap FundNIFTY 100BSE 100
19EquityLarge & Mid Cap FundNIFTY Large Midcap 250BSE 250 Large MidCap 
20EquityMid Cap FundNIFTY Midcap 150BSE 150 Midcap
21EquitySmall Cap FundNIFTY Smallcap 250BSE 250 SmallCap 
22EquityELSSNIFTY 500BSE 500 
23EquityFlexi Cap FundNIFTY 500BSE 500 
24EquityDividend Yield FundNifty 500BSE 500
25EquityValue Fund/Contra FundNifty 500BSE 500
26EquityFocused FundNIFTY 500BSE 500 
27HybridConservative Hybrid FundNIFTY 50 Hybrid Composite Debt 15:85 IndexCRISIL Hybrid 85+15 Conservative  Index
28HybridBalanced Hybrid FundNIFTY 50 Hybrid Composite debt 50:50 IndexCRISIL Hybrid 50+50 Moderate Index
29HybridAggressive Hybrid FundNIFTY 50 Hybrid Composite Debt 65:35 IndexCRISIL Hybrid 35+65 Aggressive  Index
30HybridDynamic Asset Allocation / Balanced Advantage FundNIFTY 50 Hybrid Composite debt 50:50 IndexCRISIL Hybrid 50+50 - Moderate Index
31HybridMulti Asset Allocation Fund

Policy framework for Composition of Benchmark of Multi Asset Allocation Fund Category

Considering that multi asset funds allocation schemes of different fund houses may have varied underlying asset allocation,  rather than prescribing a single broad market benchmark index or a single bespoke index which would be applicable across industry, the following broad principles are laid down:

1)      The benchmark should compulsorily represent all the asset classes in the scheme, where the minimum allocation of a scheme is 10% or more.

2)      Additionally, the weightages of these benchmarks should be at least the minimum of the asset allocation range of that particular asset class. For example, if the asset allocation range for equity and equity-related instruments is 65-80%, the benchmark weight should be a minimum of 65% of the equity index.

3)      AMCs are advised to use an appropriate combination of the broad indices that represent each asset class as mentioned below:

            (i)     Broad Equity Indices (Min 10% Weight) (includes Domestic & International Equities)

Domestic (Indices)International (Indices)
Nifty 500MSCI World Index
Nifty 200S&P 500
Nifty 50 
BSE 500 
BSE 200 

          (ii)     Broad Fixed Income Indices (Min 10% Weight)

NIFTY Short Duration Debt Index
NIFTY Composite Debt Index
CRISIL Short Term Bond Fund Index
CRISIL 10 year Gilt Index
CRISIL Composite Bond Fund Index



  (iii)     Commodity Indices (Min 10% Weight)

Domestic prices of Gold

Domestic prices of Silver
iCOMDEX Composite Index
LBMA AM Fixing Prices

4)      Additionally, AMCs need to ensure the following requirements (as advised by SEBI):

  1. While constructing the benchmark for a multi asset allocation scheme, once a benchmark index is selected a particular asset class, the same should not be changed. For example – if for equity asset class, NIFTY 500/Sensex 500 is chosen, it should not be changed on an ad-hoc basis by the AMC and may be changed only after following a due process including prior intimation/ approval of SEBI.
  2. Likewise, once weights of each asset class for constructing the benchmark of a scheme is decided by an AMC, the AMC may not change the weights without following due process including prior intimation/ approval of SEBI.
  3. The weights of each asset class in the benchmark may be allotted suitably based on Scheme Information Document/ Investment Pattern of Scheme. For example, it should not happen that while the actual investment in debt by the scheme is generally 10%, the benchmark weight for the debt index is 50%.
  4. Further, the respective benchmark to be used for each asset class should be only from the aforesaid limited set of Indices mentioned hereinabove.
32HybridArbitrage FundNIFTY 50 ArbitrageCRISIL Arbitrage Index
33HybridEquity Savings FundNIFTY Equity SavingsCRISIL Equity Savings Index
34Solution OrientedRetirement Funda.Nifty500 Plus Nifty Short Duration Debt Index A-II -2035
b.Nifty500 Plus Nifty Short Duration Debt Index A-II -2040
c.Nifty500 Plus Nifty Short Duration Debt Index A-II -2045
d. Nifty 50 Hybrid Composite Debt 15:85 - Conservative Index

Note: The above are bespoke indices created by NSE for the Scheme category
BSE 500 Appropriate benchmark could be based on asset allocation of funds as different funds used varied asset allocation and there is no Regulatory defined asset allocation for this category (Options- CRISIL Hybrid 25+75 - Aggressive Index, CRISIL Hybrid 35+65 - Aggressive Index, CRISIL Hybrid 50+50 - Moderate Index, CRISIL Hybrid 65+35 - Conservative Index, CRISIL Hybrid 75+25 - Conservative Index, CRISIL Short Term Debt Hybrid 60+40 Index, CRISIL Hybrid 85+15 - Conservative Index, CRISIL Short Term Debt Hybrid 75+25 Index)
35Solution OrientedChildrens' FundAppropriate benchmark could be based on asset allocation of funds as different funds used varied asset allocation and there is no Regulatory defined asset allocation for this categoryBSE 500 Appropriate benchmark could be based on asset allocation of funds as different funds used varied asset allocation and there is no Regulatory defined asset allocation for this category (Options- CRISIL Hybrid 25+75 - Aggressive Index, CRISIL Hybrid 35+65 - Aggressive Index, CRISIL Hybrid 50+50 - Moderate Index, CRISIL Hybrid 65+35 - Conservative Index, CRISIL Hybrid 75+25 - Conservative Index, CRISIL Short Term Debt Hybrid 60+40 Index, CRISIL Hybrid 85+15 - Conservative Index, CRISIL Short Term Debt Hybrid 75+25 Index)
Sector Funds
36EquityAuto FundNIFTY AutoBSE Auto
37EquityBank FundNIFTY BankBSE Bankex Index 
38EquityConsumer Durable FundNIFTY Consumer DurableBSE Consumer Durables
39EquityFinancial Services FundNIFTY Financial ServicesBSE Financial Services 
40EquityFMCG FundNIFTY FMCGBSE Fast Moving Consumer Goods
41EquityHealthcare FundNIFTY HealthcareBSE Healthcare 
42EquityIT FundNIFTY ITBSE Teck
43EquityMedia, Entertainment FundNIFTY Media
44EquityMetal FundNIFTY MetalBSE Metal Index
45EquityOil & Gas FundNIFTY Oil & GasBSE Oil & Gas Index
46EquityPharma FundNIFTY PharmaBSE Healthcare 
47EquityPrivate Bank FundNIFTY Private BankBSE Private Banks Index
48EquityPSU Bank FundNIFTY PSU Bank
49EquityRealty/ Real Estate FundNIFTY RealtyBSE Realty
50EquityTelecomBSE Telecommunication
51EquitySectoral equity funds investing in Defence & allied sector companiesNIFTY India Defence Index
Thematic Funds
52EquityCommodities FundNIFTY Commodities
53EquityConsumption FundNIFTY India ConsumptionBSE Consumer Discretionary
55EquityEnergy FundNIFTY EnergyBSE Energy
56EquityESG FundNifty100 ESG IndexBSE 100 ESG Index
57EquityInfrastructure FundNIFTY InfrastructureBSE India Infrastructure 
59EquityPSU Equity Fund Nifty PSEBSE PSU
60EquityServices Sector FundNIFTY Services Sector
61EquityShariah FundNIFTY500 ShariahBSE 500 Shariah 
62EquityCommodities Equities Fund - Global Agri Plan S&P Global Agribusiness Index
63EquityManufacturing Fund Nifty India Manufacturing IndexBSE India Manufacturing 
64EquityAsian Equity Fund75% MSCI Asia (Ex-Japan) Standard Index + 25% Nifty 500 Index
65EquityJapan Equity FundS&P Japan 500
66EquityPioneering innovation themeNifty 500
67EquityTransportation & Logistics themeNifty Transportation & Logistics Index
68EquityHousing ThemeNifty Housing indexNA
69EquityDeveloped & Emerging Markets Opportunities FundMSCI AWCI Index
70EquityBusiness Cycle / Special Situation themeNIFTY 500 BSE 500 
71EquityQuant fund under thematic categoryNifty 200 IndexBSE-200 
72EquityNon Cyclical Consumer Fund under thematic categoryNifty India Consumption Index
73EquityMomentum Fund under thematic categoryNifty 500 
74EquityThematic fund based on “Exports theme”
Nifty 500 BSE 500
75EquityThematic schemes investing in recently listed 100 companies or upcoming IPO.
Nifty IPO Index

76EquityThematic funds based on “Rural & allied theme”
Nifty Rural Index

77EquityThematic funds based on “Sector Rotation" theme
Nifty 500

78EquityThematic funds based on “Conglomerate" theme

BSE Select Business Group Index
79EquityThematic funds based on  Minimum Variance theme
Broad benchmark index in line with the investment universe.
80EquityThematic funds based on “Quality factor " themeNifty 200 Quality 30BSE Quality Index
81EquityThematic funds based on “Ethical" theme
Nifty 500
Shariah Index
BSE 500
Shariah Index
82EquityThematic funds based on “Sectoral Fund investing in companies focused on creating and enabling creation of real assets " theme
Nifty 500

83EquityThematic funds based on “Rediscovery theme”Nifty 200

84EquityThematic funds based on  “Resurgent India" themeNifty 500

Note : 

As per clause of SEBI Master Circular for Mutual Funds, the performance of MF schemes shall be benchmarked to the Total Return variant of the Index chosen as a benchmark as stated in paragraph of the said circular.  Accordingly, all the tier 1 indices mentioned herein are total return indices (TRI)