World Investor Week Nov 22-28, 2021

Message from Chairman, SEBI

List of benchmark indices intended to used by AMCs as 1st tier benchmarks

Sr noCategoryFund CategoryNSE Index NameBSE IndexCRISIL Index Name
1DebtOVERNIGHT FUNDNIFTY 1D Rate IndexCRISIL Liquid Overnight IndexOvernight IndexAI
2DebtLIQUID FUNDNIFTY Liquid Index  A-ICRISIL Liquid Debt A-I IndexLiquid IndexAI
3DebtMONEY MARKET FUNDNIFTY Money Market Index  A-ICRISIL Money Market A-I IndexMoney Market IndexAI
4DebtULTRA SHORT-TERM DEBT FUNDNIFTY Ultra Short Duration Debt Index  A-ICRISIL Ultra Short Duration Debt A-I IndexUltra Short-Term Debt IndexAI
5DebtLOW DURATION DEBT FUNDNIFTY Low Duration Debt Index  A-ICRISIL Low Duration Debt A-I IndexLow Duration Debt IndexAI
6DebtSHORT DURATION DEBT FUNDNIFTY Short Duration Debt Index  A-IICRISIL Short Duration Debt A-II IndexShort Duration Debt IndexAII
7DebtMEDIUM DURATION DEBT FUNDNIFTY Medium Duration Debt Index  A-IIICRISIL Medium Duration Debt A-III IndexMedium Duration Debt IndexAIII
8DebtMEDIUM TO LONG DURATION DEBT FUNDNIFTY Medium to Long Duration Debt Index  A-IIICRISIL Medium to Long Duration Debt A-III IndexMedium To Long Duration Debt IndexAIII
9DebtLONG DURATION DEBT FUNDNIFTY Long Duration Debt Index  A-IIICRISIL Long Duration Debt A-III IndexLong Duration Debt IndexAIII
10DebtDYNAMIC BOND FUNDNIFTY Composite Debt Index  A-IIICRISIL Dynamic Bond A-III IndexDynamic Bond IndexAIII
11DebtCORPORATE BOND FUNDNIFTY Corporate Bond Index  A-IICRISIL Corporate Debt A-II IndexCorporate Bond IndexAII
12DebtCREDIT RISK FUNDNIFTY Credit Risk Bond Index  B-IICRISIL Credit Risk Debt B-II IndexCredit Risk IndexBII
13DebtBANKING & PSU DEBT FUNDNifty Banking & PSU Debt Index A-IICRISIL Banking and PSU Debt A-II IndexBanking & PSU Debt IndexAII
14DebtGILT SECURITIES FUNDNIFTY All Duration G-Sec IndexCRISIL Dynamic Gilt IndexGilt IndexAIII
15DebtGILT WITH 10 YEAR CONSTANT MATURITY FUNDNIFTY 10 yr Benchmark G-SecCRISIL 10 Year Gilt IndexGilt With 10 Year Constant Maturity IndexAIII
16DebtFLOATING RATE FUNDBased on maturity profile of the fund 0-.25 Mac D- NIFTY Liquid Index A-I.25 - .5 Mac D- NIFTY Ultra Short Duration Debt Index A-I.5 - 1 Mac D- NIFTY Low Duration Debt Index A-I1-3 Mac D- NIFTY Short Duration Debt Index A-II3-4 Mac D-  NIFTY Medium Duration Debt Index A-III4-7 Mac D- NIFTY Medium to Long Duration Debt Index A-IIIMore than 7 Mac D- NIFTY Long Duration Debt Index A-IIIBased on maturity profile of the fund0-.25 Mac D- CRISIL Liquid Debt A-I Index.25 - .5 Mac D- CRISIL Ultra Short Duration Debt A-I Index.5 - 1 Mac D- CRISIL Low Duration Debt A-I Index1-3 Mac D- CRISIL Short Duration Debt A-II Index3-4 Mac D-  CRISIL Medium Duration Debt A-III Index4-7 Mac D- CRISIL Medium to Long Duration Debt A-III IndexMore than 7 Mac D- CRISIL Long Duration Debt A-III IndexSelect based on the duration strategyNA